Friday, October 24, 2014


TTC, OPK, BFN, 2WW #twoweekwait, praying for a BFP.  BBT,  DH, DPO, now DPIUI, HPT, #theeverdreaded AF, LP, follicles, RO - LO, Pineapple

Chances are you only know this language if you are trying to conceive (TTC).  If your two week waiting period (TWW) leaves you with a BFN (Big Fat (edited version) Negative) time after time after time. 

Your next
                 two weeks keeps you
                                                   on your knees praying
                                                                                         for a Big Fat Positive (BFP). 

If you have a private Pinterest board and your first pin is a picture of a Pineapple, you are in the TTC club.  Did you know the bromelain  in pineapple is said to help with implantation.  Oh & your diet is key to getting pregnant-seriously meth addicts pop babies like a candy machine that has a broken quarter slot-whatever.  Well despite my cynicism, I am adamant about my eating habits, my vitamins and my water intake.  Now that we are forking out hundreds of dollars a month TTC I have to dot every I and cross every T.  And before you say - oh you should just stop trying - just have fun - go on vacation -




We have done all that in the last two years. 

BFN - only one BFP that ended less than two weeks after the great news.

I struggled about sharing this - this isn't your normal facebook post criteria and it certainly isn't the norm, because seriously everyone around me seems to have no problem getting pregnant, sending me baby announcements, inviting me to their baby showers, posting BFP on FB (oh that one is Facebook).  Don't get me wrong I am happy for everyone who has conceived and delivered their little bundle of joy, but for a mom who is struggling with fertility it's difficult.

A mom who has experienced the loss of her baby



Where is my easy button - life should be a little smoother, right?  Here is where I have to insert the whammy, actually make that a double whammy.

I have taken clomid for the past three months, AF (aunt flow) comes right on time...time and time again.  This month my Dr., who is absolutely wonderful BTW, has suggested IUI.  Thankfully I have a DH (Darling Husband) who is so very supportive, encouraging and keeps me

somewhat positive - somewhat hopeful. 

I am sure you can hear the frustration by reading my words.  He doesn't even flinch-when and where. 

October 25, IUI day.  That's today...
DH's report is flawless
I pick up and tuck that sample inside my sports bra, rush over to my Dr.

I have two follicles - very large - very round - follicles - one in my right ovary, one in my left ovary.  My ovulation predictor kit (OPK) shows my LH surge is happening as I type.   Billions of little swimmers are trying to make their way to one of those eggs. 
The stars are aligned perfectly.
I will know in two weeks.

So we wait



  1. Thank you. Baby dust and sticky thoughts....

  2. Any updates? I have been hoping for you since October and hoping your silence meant something positive. You are in my prayers and I hope you get your BFP!
